SCA Weekly Newsletter

Hello SCA Families!

Please take a moment to read the school newsletter to see what's happening here at SCA!  

December 18th Newsletter

Hot Lunch this week will be ordered from Safeway Deli You can either fill out the paper order form or submit your order ONLINE

BONUS!! THIS WEEK ONLY- If you submit your hot lunch order online, you'll receive a FREE COOKIE!

Christmas Break starts Monday!  Don't come back to school until January 6th 2025. 

We will miss you all but have SO MUCH FUN and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Join SCC for our Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24th at 6:30 pm.  

Miss Kerrie :)

Administrative Assistant


Did you know SCA is on Social Media? 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Stay up to date on all the fun at SCA.  

Upcoming Events

   Dec 23-jAN 3

Christmas Break- No SCA

       jANUARY 20TH

MLK Jr Day- No SCA

January 27-31

Spirit Week

Stay tuned for daily themes.

February 11th

New Family Night 6:30pm

Love SCA? Invite friends and family who would be interested in enrolling students at SCA for the 25-26 school year.